Harmful greenhouse gases (GHG) may be released into the air during your business operations. 好消息是, we have bespoke solutions to help offset GHG emissions and reduce your business’s impact on the environment.
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) refers to a group of gases, 包括二氧化碳(CO2), 甲烷(CH4), 氧化亚氮(N20), 氟化气体, that contribute to greenhouse effect and global warming.
Every stage of your business operations can directly or indirectly add to GHG emissions—even the act of purchasing electricity for your company or booking flights for your staff. Understanding the different scopes of GHG emissions will help you manage your company’s carbon footprint better.
What is your company’s largest scope of GHG emissions? We have the custom solution to help your business achieve a lower GHG footprint.
Steer your business towards a sustainable future. Choose a solar solution that best works for you and bask in the rays of benefits.
Standing at the forefront of Singapore’s green energy transformation, our team has the expertise and innovations to help your business adopt renewable energy and make a positive impact on the environment. 今天就太阳城备用吧.